Melenie K. Dosen, Student of Social Work, Cal State University Longbeach writes about the benefits of community gardens for kids who live in low income families. Creating opportunity, access to nutrition and community connections.
Barriers to Healthy Food in Gresham's Rockwood Area
[Click on Arrow]
The Coalition for Liveable Future white paper contains excellent analysis of the Rockwood Neighborhood food access system. It also contains interesting local demographics and other contextual issues. It does not contain information about community gardens. Gardens are a critical component of a healthy food environment.
"Rockwood is the City of Gresham’s most densely populated neighborhood. Its residents experience significantly higher rates of poverty than most other neighborhoods in the region. Rockwood is also one of the most racially and ethnically diverse neighborhoods in the region. It has the 6th highest density per acre of populations of color of all neighborhoods in the four-county Portland metropolitan region, and the 2nd highest density per acre of Hispanic population.
The environment in Rockwood today does not support residents’ health. Analysis of the Regional Equity Atlas, community surveys, and focus groups revealed that many Rockwood residents have difficulty accessing healthy foods due to: (1) the limited availability of affordable, healthy food in the neighborhood; (2) the broad availability of unhealthy food; and (3) challenges that transit-dependent residents face in accessing sources of healthy food options outside of the neighborhood.
Consistent with national research showing the connection between lack of access to healthy food and disease rates, Rockwood residents experience higher rates of obesity and obesity-related chronic disease such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease."
City passes nation's first soda tax
Residents of Berkeley, Calif., became the first city in the United States to approve a tax on soda and other sugary drinks during the Nov. 4 election. The 1-cent-an-ounce tax will apply to sports drinks, sweetened ice tea and other sugary beverages starting Jan. 1, 2015.
Advocates for the tax hope it encourages people to drink less sugar-laden beverages, which have been linked to higher rates of diabetes, heart disease, and obesity – particularly in children.
The Springwater District wants to explore the feasibility of a similar tax to help pay for services and facilities provided through the proposed district.
Just as Berkley's goal is to improve the health of residents, The Springwater District would like to see similar results in East Multnomah County, where it aims to protect parks and green spaces, where residents can have safe and active places to exercise, play and recreate.
Reducing stress, plus providing and increasing access to the outdoors, also are important parts of a healthy lifestyle.
For more on Berkeley’s tax, check out the links and document below.
Nation's first soda tax is passed
America's First Sugary Drink Tax Passes, But Leaves Loopholes
Multnomah County Gang Assessment Survey
Collected in 2014 the data summarized in the report will help leaders to develop a comprehensive and coordinated approach to reducing and preventing youth gang violence. Part of a federal Office for Juevnile Justice Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) project, future county services and programs may be based (in part), on the assessment. The report also provides our community the information we need to craft a Parks and Community District that supports positive activities for youth.
Read the Survey: